Heh. This was fun. Other than Ole' Harley Girl, I'd never actually drawn of these guys before which is odd but not unusual for me now that I think of it. There are tons of characters that I love and I've never tried my hand at... come to think of it I've never tried drawing Catwoman before either ;)
Thanks to friend and fellow Artist Jason Flowers for the feedback on Mister Freeze, I'm thinking there's a big difference between the pencil and ink stages so hopefully more of that cold heartedness (wink) comes across.
Rough week so far and for whatever reason, drawing Harley Quinn always makes me laugh a little so I figured I'd give it a shot. It was just meant to be for fun so I pretty much just drew her out without a real 'plan' or a composition in mind but once I started messing around with inking it I figured I could just expand on it and I added in a few other Batman Rogues that I love, the ones that don't get the shine they deserve I think. Anywho - I'll finish inking this up and then post the result here.
Here's a look at the Pencils to Page 2 of my 50 Girls 50 submission. I left most of the foliage for the inking stage just because it's the sort of thing that I feel better just laying down in one pass as opposed to the rest of it where I want to make sure I have the framwork down first. You can check out all 6 pages in their final stage here.
As much as I'd like to show off some of the pages I've finished up this week, I'm gonna need to play it a little closer to the vest... so here's a random panel! Cheers!
So before anyone asks, the answer is no... I did these two pages as a sort of exercise in trying to adapt the look, tone and mood of the movie (BOONDOCK SAINTS) onto the comic book page. Overall I was pretty happy with the way they turned out but I think my biggest mistake was in attempting too literal a translation. I pretty much went shot for shot, not realizing until afterwards that the pages didn't read the way they should.
I figure I haven't posted a Superman drawing since January so I'm pretty much due. Getting Supes down to a science is an on-going process with me... you could say, he's my 'end game' and working towards mastering a classic, iconic and fun look is a big part of that.
Heh. Egg gave me A-LOT of freedom on what I threw into the mish mash on some of these pages and even though I didn't get to draw the sequence I loved the idea of our leading man Dirge fighting a giant gorilla.
So here's the inked version of page 1 of my collaboration with Writer Egg Embry, OPEN GRAVE. I use a combination of tools when I ink - Pentel Black Color Brush Pen, Bombay Black India Ink, Loew - Cornell 797 Flat Stain Brush, Loew - Cornell 795 Round Brush as well as Copic Multiliner Pens. On those 'flashback' panels I'm doing an ink wash just to get a different texture in there, which is something I've employed on previous projects like SALEM as well as DEMONS REGRET. I'll be updating with new pages every other day or so, make sure to also hop over to my buddy Egg's site and check out some of his other work - http://comicsbyegg.com/
Here are a couple of pages from RED ROBIN issue No. 1 that I re-drew to use as samples for HeroesCon Charlotte. I always feel like a bit of a douche doing that but I needed to whip up some quick pages to show Editors and I didn't have a DC script handy, at least not one that I liked and this was the first thing that I grabbed and thought, "Yeah, I could have done a better job". See? Douche. Whatever.
Been keeping pretty busy lately and all of the drawing I've been doing has been for projects so... no posts but my buddy Egg Embry said it was cool to start posting some pages from our project OPEN GRAVE- Once it's completed it will be hosted over on Comics By Egg but until then I'll be posting pages so check back and have a look!
So this time the folks over at Project Rooftop have set their re-designing sights on WOLVERINE and here's my take on the surly cigar chomping runt - Color Assist by my buddy Egg Embry.
So I finally decided to break out my little tin cup and I put up a few pages of original art for sale from Demons Regret Issues No. 1 – 3. DEMONS REGRET was Written & Created by Mitch Brown and Published by Digital Webbing 2008. Original Art by Wilfredo Torres: Pencil and Ink on an 11” x 17” sheet of Strathmore Bristol Board signed by the Artist and suitable for framing. In addition, when you purchase a page you will also receive a copy of the comic book in which the artwork appears signed by the Artist.
… not me. A little while back I posted a design I contributed to Project Rooftop’sBATMAN 2.0 Dynamic Do-Over re-design contest and after what seemed like some serious deliberation they’ve posted the winners and the runners up, of which I am one. Some really cool design work here, it was really interesting to see what all everyone else did compared to my own.
Blue Line Art is organizing their second annual exhibition and auction of original sketch card art to benefit the American Cancer Society. Their first event in March of 2008 raised over $7,000 and hopefully their next will be bigger and better. There will be a public exhibition at Comics 2 Games, 8470 US42 Florence, KY on April 4th 2009. The auction of all the original art cards will go online starting the week before the Sketch Card exhibition and will end that evening. All proceeds from the sale of the cards will go to the American Cancer Society.
Being that my Wife was diagnosed with Breast Cancer back in September this is a very important cause to me so I hope everyone will get involved. All creators are invited to participate – Contact Jeremy Bell ( jeremyb@comics2cars.com ) for more information.
I need to get business cards made up before MegaConand I was kicking around ideas for a design. Since I tend to go with skulls for all my cards, I decided I might mix it up this time around... still not sold on it though. If anyone has any suggestions on the best place to order cards from, let me know!
So in honor of Master Wayne's apparent demise in the pages of Final Crisis the folks over at PROJECT ROOFTOP are hosting a BATMAN 2.0 design contest, the jist of it being "redesign the Batman uniform to suit his most likely successor, Dick Grayson AKA Robin AKA Nightwing". I've never submitted a re-design before but being that Nightwing has always been one of my favorite characters I made a special effort to get this one in before the deadline... I even went as far as to color it myself!! This is most likely the only place you're likely to see it, as my lovely Wife was sweet enough to point out - "He still just looks like Nightwing"
I don't usually post the pencils to these as they usually aren't much to look at (not that this one is) but I figured I might as well show both. Here's a creepy guy from PAN'S LABYRINTH - Guillermo Del Toro is one of my favorite directors... although I have to admit HELLBOY 2 is like a warm glass of milk to me, 10 minutes in and I'm out like a light. Anyhoo, these are fun to do and are relaxing in the sense that they're just for me and it doesn't much matter how they turn out so there isn't too much stress / anxiety involved.
Here's an inked panel from the aforementioned book I'm currently working on and can't tell you anything about... basically because I'm superstitious and I don't like to jinx things. These nice officers are contemplating a door.
Here's a page of pencils from the book I'm currently working on and can't tell you anything about... basically because I'm superstitious and I don't like to jinx things.
This is about as 'cheesecakey' as it tends to get 'round these parts... I get a kick out of it but I just don't think it's something I do especially well. Drawing Harley Quinn is always fun though.