So on my last trip to BINDERS I picked up this funky new sketch book - it's a 6 x 12 Aquabee 'Tree Free' Hemp Sketch Book... it's only 20 sheets so I figure I have no excuse whatsoever not to be able to fill it. Leeloo (The 5th Element) here is another piece I'd been wanting to do for a while.
So early Friday I finished up a commercial project that I was working on, having wrapped on both DEMON'S REGRET and SALEM: QUEEN OF THORNS prior to that, Friday was the first time in a year where I could take the weekend off and not have something hanging over my head. It felt good... so good in fact that I didn't draw anything all weekend and spent most of Sunday, cleaning my workspace and re-organizing all of my clutter. I figured I would draw something just for fun and settled on my favorite Deadly Viper, Elle Driver.
Here's a look at a cover I did for a book called SERIAL - Written by Mitch Brown (DEMON'S REGRET) with Art by my pal Don Thomas and Colors by Matthew Warlick